About Us


    Deparment of Student Affairs (JHEP) is located at the main campus of Pauh Putra UniMAP. The main function of JHEP is to monitor all activities organized by student bodies, as well as provide physical services, financial welfare or advisory services to students living in a conducive campus environment. Officers of the JHEP manage the welfares, training and guidance of students in the hope of improving individual performance and development.
    Various approaches have been taken and several changes in the administrative and management system have been made to provide the best and most competent services to all students. Part of it is the job of JHEP to produce highly educated and polite graduates. Recognize their full potential along with developing graduates who are intellectually, spiritually, morally and physically balanced. JHEP has several units that handle various activities and services continuously to continuously clean services to provide the best service to students as follow :

Administration, Finance, Assets and Inventory Unit
Financing, Innovation & Documentation Unit
Welfare & Transportation Unit
Soft skills & Entrepreneurial Development Unit
Student Activity, International Affairs & Debate Unit
•       Volunteer & Leadership Unit